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Summer Citrus Care: Deep Watering Tips

As the summer heat intensifies, it’s crucial to give your citrus trees the deep watering they need to thrive. At Colorworks Landscaping, we recommend setting a hose to drip very slowly at the base of your citrus trees for 2 to 4 hours once every 3 to 4 weeks. This method ensures the water reaches deep into the soil, encouraging strong root growth and maintaining the health of your trees during the hottest months.

For new plants under 18 months old, a different watering schedule is necessary to support their growth. Water these young plants for 45 minutes in the morning and an additional 30 minutes in the afternoon. This routine provides consistent moisture, helping them establish robust root systems and flourish in their new environment.

By following these watering guidelines, you’ll ensure your citrus trees and new plants remain healthy and vibrant all summer long. Happy gardening!